Make your house, your home.
Your house is a place to call home. A house provides shelter. A home is a place of refuge where people feel safe and comfortable. A home is also an environment that welcomes family and friends with a feeling of warmth, love and traditions. Your house should fit you and your family’s needs, wants and make you feel “at home.” It should also be a safe place for your family and friends to visit.
Designs for Living and You, LLC was created to design safe and functional environments that are fit to a person/family while maintaining aesthetically pleasing design for a house that you can call home. We offer a wide range of services and products from home consults to assess the safety and functionality of your home to kitchen and bath design that includes universal design concepts and a thorough interview to assess the needs of you and/or family to create a space that will serve you and your family while creating memories for years to come. Contact us today to learn more.
Invest in your health and home.
We all have a tendency to put things off until a rainy day. Unfortunately, when we choose to do this, we end up being reactive to what life hands us creating more stress - physical, emotional and financial. Instead we can choose to be proactive and feel safe when it rains. Designs for Living & You is here to assist you with being proactive in the design process utilizing universal design and aging in place principles with your residential remodel or new construction plans.
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Designs for Living & You
Functional Design with Style & Innovation
Specializing in Home Modifications, Universal Design, Aging in Place, Kitchen & Bath Design